Logo: VisHub University of Edinburgh, Visual+Interactive Data

Interdisciplinary research lab in data visualization and HCI at the University of Edinburgh.

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Logo of Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh Logo of the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh Logo of the University of Edinburgh

Ethics Form at Informatics

For any study that involves human (or animal) participants, Informatics requires ethics clearance. That is, you need to submit for ethics approval and cannot start the study before approval through the school’s ethics board.

Before filling and submitting the form, read through this page, prepare any of the material you need to submit alongside the request and discuss with your supervisor.

General Infomation

What you need before submitting the Ethics Form to Informatics

1. Ethics training

You need to pass the basic training in data protction

See an example here

These forms can be the same document, or separate. In total, they must include the following information:

3. A 100 word description

Please provide a brief summary of the goal and methods of your research. You should cover the following:

It’s enough to give high level descriptions of tasks and analysis methods. It helps if you can provide references.

4. Anonymization Policy

How do you ensure confidentiality? Describe your procedures for anonymisation / pseudonymisation, ensuring differential privacy, and other relevant procedures. Recommended length: 50 words.

Example response: No personal data will be recorded at any time. Voice recordings will be stored on an encrypted HD for the duration of the study and erased afterwards.

5. Participant data

What information about participants or data subjects will you collect or use?

Data Collection for Research Purpose

When you collect data for your MSc/PhD research, keep the following principles in mind:

Personal Data

All Personal Data is Equal. The term ‘public domain’ has no relevance in data protection regulations. All personal data is equal in the sense that it can only legally be processed in accordance with the Principles. That means that for harvesting publicly available personal data for research, you must: Provide the PIS if possible Ensure you have your legal basis and, for special category data, meet the requirements, i.e. have the technical and organisational safeguards in place and ensure that your research is in the public interest