Logo: VisHub University of Edinburgh, Visual+Interactive Data

Interdisciplinary research lab in data visualization and HCI at the University of Edinburgh.

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Logo of Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh Logo of the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh Logo of the University of Edinburgh

Chart Clinic

The VisHub group offers a monthly Chart Clinic to researchers and students at the University of Edinburgh. On the last Friday of every month, one or more members of our group will be available on Teams from 3-4pm (UK time) to give advice on your charts and visualisations (for your websites, papers, posters, presentations, etc.).

No sign-up required, just drop in, bring your visualisation and questions. We’ll try our best to help you (re)design your visualisation and can help to brainstorm solutions. We will not be able to design or implement a visualisation for you. We are also around for general questions about visualisation design, tools, methods, theory, etc. Note that the field is growing very quickly—we will try our best to help you navigate the jungle.

How to join

Since this is a pilot, the ChartClinic is currently only open only to University staff and graduat(e/ing) students working on their theses. To join a session, join our Chart Clinic Team on Microsoft Teams:

Upcoming sessions


Feel free to browse some of our resources: books, blogs, and collections on visulization.

People involved