Logo: VisHub University of Edinburgh, Visual+Interactive Data

Interdisciplinary research lab in data visualization and HCI at the University of Edinburgh.

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Benjamin Bach

Benjamin is a researcher at the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria) within the Bivwac Team, Bordeaux. He is also an Associate Professor (Reader) at the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburghy where he founded the VisHub research group. Benjamin's research investigates more effective and efficient data visualizations, interfaces, and tools for data analysis, communication, and education. He is regularly collaborating with social scientists, historians, biologists, peace reserachers, and public organizations. Benjamin was named Significant New Researcher by the IEEE VIS conference (2021) and Eurographics Young Researcher (2019). His PhD received a VGTC Best Thesis honorable mention award (2014).

Research Interest

Short Bio

Before joining the University of Edinburgh, Benjamin was a postdoc at Harvard University (Visual Computing Group), Monash University (Immersive Analytics Lab), Microsoft-Research, and a visiting scholar at the Brain Imaging Center at the University of Washington. Benjamin is an active member of the programme and organization committees of the primar venues for visualization (IEEE VIS) and human-computer interaction (ACM CHI). He is a co-founder of the Edinburgh Data Vis meetup with more than 1300 participants.

Publications (linked)

Projects (linked)


Current PhD Students

  1. John Harper-Lee (since 2018, Visualizing biological networks), assistant supervisor
  2. Mashael Alkadi (since 2019, Understanding network visualization in the wild), main
  3. Tobias Kauer (since 2019, public engagement with data visualizations), main
  4. Ryan Bowler (since 2019, Inclusive HCI), main
  5. Lucy Heavens (since 2020, Language bias in cultural collections), assistant
  6. Sarah Schöttler (since 2021, Responsive visualization design), main
  7. Magdalena Boucher (since 2022, Educational comics), assistant
  8. Lara Johnson (since 2022, Public health communication), assistant
  9. Rea Michalopoulou (since 2022, VR for health), assistant

Graduated PhD Students

  1. Zezhong Wang (2021, Data comics design), main
  2. Kun-Ting Chen (2022, Network visualization), assistant

Professional Activities (selection)

Reviewing (selection)

Invited Talks

Scientific Workshops



Research Grants